Hello and Welcome!!
Please be respectful

- Information -

Height: 5'6
Sexuality: [Polly], Bisexual
Eye Color: Green
DOB: June 14th,, 1980
Parents: Minerva McGonagall, [Father Unknown]
Personality: A leader, Cooperative, Clever, Quick tempered, Well-mannered, Fearless, Sincere, Introverted, Approachable, Discreet, and Smart.
Friends: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley.

Amortentia: Honey, Apples, Blueberry, Cat Fur, Parchment, Lemons, Eucalyptus, Campfire, and Fall.
Boggart: Dying
Patronus: Deer [Female]
Animagus: Wolf

- Backstory -

Rosemary was born in the middle of June at St. Mungo’s hospital. Once born she had been raised at the Hogwarts castle and mostly been cared for by other students though sometimes her mother disapproved of them raising her daughter [mostly the Marauder’s and some particular Slytherins. Rosemary had become known as Rosie, or Sweet Bee [though mostly by Remus or Sirius.]. Once she had gotten older Severus was made to be her godfather. Once she had turned 11 Rosemary had gotten her Hogwarts letter and had been instantly excited mostly due to having learned most of the stuff already.

Rosemary Vivian McGonagall

She/They, Half-Blood, Gryffindor

- Wand Information -
14 1/2"
Wood Type:
Black Hawthorn
Slightly Bendy

"My girl don't want me 'cause of my dirty laundry And I think that she knows I'm out of control (I'm out of control) With all of this money, they all want something from me."

"To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I am Where the hell am I supposed to go? I poisoned myself again Something in the orange tells me you're never coming home."